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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tummy Trouble

Well, there is definitley a tummy bug going around and I caught it :( Yesterday I was fine, and then this morning I woke up, started to get ready for work and then got severe chills, started sweating everywhere, and became really was awful...I took the day off so I could get rid of this stupid sickness...I don't have time for it! I get married next week! I hope this is a 24 hour deal.....

Monday, September 27, 2010

14 Weeks

Today I am 14 weeks! Feeling great! I feel huge though after finding out that my aunt is two weeks behind me and TINY!!! grrr....I need to start exercising big time. I just now have the energy to start! It just feels like i have SOO much to do when I get off work...If it's not something for the wedding, it's Homework...If it's not homework, its house cleaning, grocery shopping, or something else! There just aren't enough hours in the day!! I took a picture of my belly, but it's no different from last week.... Here it is :0)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Here's My Weekly Update!

13Weeks 2 Days :0)

(def. bloated this day...10.3.10)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

13 weeks :0)

So a few things to start out this week:
1) I have eaten JUNK the last 2 stops TOMORROW.
2) Got fitted for my wedding dress!!!! exciting but DARN expensive. $170.00
3) Got the new iPhone 4G!! It rules!
4) Feeling FULL of energy! If my entire second trimester goes this well, I am happy.
5) Made the appointment for our child birthing class November 19, 20, &21st

So lots of exciting events are occuring! I felt the "flutter" again today when I was playing disney lullabys on my phone :0) Baby likes disney! :0)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Phantom Flutters??

So, I am laying here, really still and quiet on my tummy and suddenly I felt this weird soft flutter...I was thinking "no way, it is WAY too early to be feeling the baby.." I am only 12 weeks and 6 days... So I waited for a bit, and it happened again!! I have been trying to lay here waiting for it to happen again and it hasn't... Wishful thinking or fo' reals I'm not sure, but flippin crazy feeling!! and Exciting! I looked it up online and many other women have felt the same feeling this early....woopie!! :0) Dr. Dave says that our baby from head to toe is 4 inches...i think this measurement is crown to rump

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The First Time I got to REAAALLLLYYY SEE The Little One :0)

Today was my 12week appointment and I am exactly 12 weeks and two days IT WAS AMAZING!! Unfortunately, Jeff couldn't be there today because he had to go out of town for a week for work :( When I got to Dr. Dorough's office, I was very promptly and cheerfully welcomed back to see the doctor as ALWAYS! I love Dr. D!! And all his office staff!! Everyone is so nice and sweet and willing to help anyone in any way! I asked Susan, Dr. Dorough's assistant if I could do the Urine Protein test AFTER the ultrasound since Doc had a hard time seeing our little one last time. So she weighed me and so far I have gained a total of 5 pounds throughout the first 12 weeks....not too bad, but I gotta start watching it LOL. Then I went into the room and got my phone out just in case we could hear the heartbeat. When I laid down and Doctor put the ultrasound thingy on my stomach my heart fluttered about 1000 times per minute. The most clear image of the baby I have seen!!! At first, baby was sleeping and had it's little adorable hands up by it's face. It's little legs were all curled up and was soooo cozy! Then mean ol' Dr. Dorough came and pushed on it and woke baby up!! It was incredible watching it kick and flail around!!! I got to see it's little feet and hands and eyes and spine....its heart beat was flashing very noticably and Doc said that the little one is about 4 inches long! After the ultrasound, Dr. explained to me that if he does the doppler and we don't hear anything that I have to promise not to freak out because sometimes it's just in the right spot to hear it this early in the pregnancy. I got my phone ready to record and we tried to listen for about 5 minutes. Unfortunately, we didn't get to hear anything but it was still VERY exciting to clearly make out the baby and watch it move around....I cannot even describe the feeling. Dr. Dorough said that at my next appointment on Oct. 13 we would for SURE be able to hear the heartbeat. That is only 3 days after the wedding; what a perfect wedding gift!!!! You better believe I will be recording it!!! He also told me I need to start looking for a pediatrician and make my appointment for my labor classes. So that's my homework!! Here is one of the pics from today :0) I'm a happy mommy!

Monday, September 13, 2010

12 Weeks Today :0)

Today marks my entering into the wonderful world of the second trimester!! WOOT WOOT!! I am so stoked! As far as the baby goes, he/she is growing and doing super!! Depending on what website or book you read, the baby is now somewhere between an 1/2 oz and 1 oz and between 2 and 3 inches! My gut which is growing rapidly says different lol. The good news is, no more nausea or exhaustion. Let me put some pictures up of my little tummy and what this little bug inside of it looks like :0)

Yup! That's about right!! LOL!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Fun Day!

Today was a great relaxing day. Other than the fact that I feel HUGE today, overall it was good! It just sucks because I am no longer able to fit into my regular jeans, but I am not big enough for maternity jeans I'm in this phase where I just look....well....HUGE. LOL Yeah, Yeah I know "just wait" haha. Anyway, Went over to Carl and Melanie's today and had BBQ'd tri-tip, corn, bread and pasta salad :0) yum yum! Melanie gave me a little stash of "supplies" for post-partum as well...LOL it was great :0) love it! She also gave me a little magazine with real pics of what the baby looks like month by month! I am not looking ahead to next month so I can be surprised :0) hehehee. I am so glad to have some of my energy returning! I don't feel like I'm walking around on Nyquil anymore lol. I do, however, have more pimples than a 13 year old in puberty. Grrr...not cool!! Oh well, it's all worth it for my little baby :0) Anyway, I will be 11 weeks on monday and will be posting a belly pic! Haven't done so in a while!