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Sunday, March 27, 2011

This day should have gone differently

 I wasn't going to post this until tomorrow, but I know I won't be on here more than likely, so here it is a day early. Be sure to watch the video at the bottom.

This day should have gone much differently,
I shouldn't be alone,
I should be hearing you coo and cry,
and eager to bring you home.

Your tiny fingers should be wrapped around mine,
as I softly kiss your head,
But today I am going to visit your grave,
and place flowers there instead.

I miss you, Hayden, oh so much,
my heart aches every day,
especially when I see everyone else,
watching their children play.

I know that I will see you again,
and that you will recognize me,
I can't wait for that time but until then,
I will always be your mommy.

Though today didn't go as I had planned,
and hoped for it to be,
Now I have an angel,
always watching over me.

~Kaila Pfeifer~


  1. Beautiful.. I am so thankful to have known him in this life, and cant wait until the two of you (and jeff too) are reunited. I can't wait for the day when your aching heart is filled with the loving kisses and hugs that I Know he will give you. Having met his precious face brings an extremely special kind of love into my life, one that ONLY Hayden knows how to give. I love you guys and wish for tomorrow to be a special day, with many moments of all kinds of emotions ... but most importantly, plz know that my heart will ache as well as I, too, wish tomorrow would be different. Xoxo

  2. I have pictures of Hayden on my fridge and I walk by and look at him every morning and night.
