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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Amazing Dream :)

My little boy paid me a visit again last night....It was so real and I was so depressed when I had to wake up!
Hayden was one years old and all he wanted was for me to hold him. He would just lay his head on my shoulder and sqeeeeeze! He also kept squeezing my hair. We sat down on the floor together and I started reading him a book. He was so chubby and cute with little bottom teeth :) When I started singing 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes' he started doing the little moves. Melanie was there and said 'I need to teach that song to sissy!' It was such a wonderful dream. I am so glad he came to visit me, it has been a while since I got to see him in my dreams :)) <3

1 comment:

  1. awww.. love this.

    I'm so excited he takes ove ur nighttime thoughts =) that makes me soo happy =)

    i finally bought a new power adapter.. so now i can follow blogs again =)
